A program to save and improve the lives of women of reproductive age, newborns and children under five in hard-to-reach regions of Cambodia, the Philippines, Myanmar and Rwanda.
The EMBRACE program (Enhance Mother, Newborn and Child Health in Remote Areas through Health Care and Community Engagement) aims to reduce preventable stunting and maternal-child mortality in hard-to-reach regions of Cambodia, the Philippines, Myanmar and Rwanda.
The program will help increase the consumption of nutritious foods and supplements by mothers, pregnant women and children under the age of five by increasing awareness about proper nutrition and providing supplies and training on how to grow healthy and diverse foods in household gardens. It will also build and equip health clinics and train midwives, nurses, traditional birth attendants and community health volunteers on safe birthing practices.
This four-year program will benefit an estimated 100,000 people, including 33,000 children of vulnerable people such as ethnic minorities and those just returning to their homes after a natural disaster or civil conflict.
EMBRACE will also raise the awareness of Canadians through its public engagement efforts including working with agents of change from remote areas in Canada.
YCI is working in partnership with ADRA Canada and The Hincks-Dellcrest Centre to deliver the EMBRACE program. YCI will provide technical expertise through the provision of short and long-term skilled volunteers to support program implementation through YCI’s Pro-Innovator solution.
EMBRACE is a 26 million dollar program being administered through a co-funding agreement between ADRA Canada and the Canadian Government, through Global Affairs Canada.