

Copyright © 2021 Youth Challenge International.


Youth Challenge International retains the copyright for all text and graphics unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved.


These pages are produced and edited by Youth Challenge International from content provided by its employees, its partners and the public.


No liability is accepted by Youth Challenge International or its employees for the consequences of any errors and omissions or for the nature and content of this or any other linked pages.



Youth Challenge International is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (charitable number 11906 9078 RR0001) and a charitable tax receipt will be issued for all gifts over $20.  Charitable gifts, against which a charitable tax receipt has been issued, are not eligible for a refund per CRA regulations.


For tax-deductibility to be granted, all giving to charities must be “disinterested.” This means that no donations to YCI can remain under the control or direction, even in part, of the donor.


YCI is pleased to accept donations from anywhere. However, donations given by residents of countries outside of Canada are not eligible for tax deductions.


100% of your donation to YCI goes toward ensuring that the youth who participate in our projects receive the greatest benefit.  To run a successful project it is critical to have proper staffing, monitoring, evaluation, financial services, marketing, office space and other varied expenses. These project management support services are required to make the project happen. People are often reluctant to see part of their donation going to these supporting services, but it is important to realize that without them, the project could not happen.  For this reason, 10% of your donation supports these functions here in Canada and 90% are used towards the program expenses in the program country.



Youth Challenge International’s global projects are funded with resources and donations received from the public and the Canadian government. The freewill support of private and corporate donors can also include gifts-in-kind. Grants awarded by the Global Affairs Canada are awarded to Youth Challenge International based on a competitive process where YCI can demonstrate its expertise, solid infrastructure and responsible expenditure of public funds on international projects.


YCI partners with the Global Affairs Canada and is regularly audited for compliance.